WHO WE ARE: St. Paul Lutheran Church and School is a community of people who trust in Jesus Christ as the One who restores our relationship with God when it is broken by our sin. Through our school, our church, and in our daily lives, we try to live in such a way that our loving care for others will be an instrument of God for“Turning Hearts to Christ through Love.” God’s love in our lives reaches out to reconcile the broken relationships in our families and among our friends.
We have been called to faith by the power of the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God and the Sacraments: Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We have been called to faith for a purpose: to share God’s promise of salvation through Jesus of Nazareth, who is God Himself, in the flesh, born to redeem all who are under the Law and the curse of sin. Our lives ought to cause others to ask, “What makes the difference; what kind of hope do you have?” When we are asked, we joyfully tell our story of the difference God has made in our lives through His gracious forgiveness of sins. We eagerly share the hope we have, based on Christ’s resurrection, that we, too, will rise on the last day to live with God for all eternity. (1 Peter 3:15-16)
WHAT WE ARE ABOUT: St. Paul Lutheran Church is a Christ-centered Spirit-directed community of God’s people committed to bringing people to Jesus Christ and nurturing them with God’s pure Word through love, worship, Christian education, stewardship, and fellowship.